Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Fakultas Geografi UGM

Panji Fakultas Geografi UGM
Fakultas Geografi UGM merupakan satu-satunya fakultas Geografi di Indonesia. Fakultas ini menyediakan jenjang pendidikan dari D3, S1, S2 dan S3 dalam bidang Geografi. Untuk Jenjang sarjana Fakultas Geografi memiliki dua Jurusan yaitu Geografi Lingkungan dan Sains Informasi Geografi dan Pembangunan Wilayah. Dari tiga jurusan tersebut ada tiga program studi (prodi) yaitu: 
  1. Program Studi Geografi dan Ilmu Lingkungan 
  2. Program Studi Kartografi dan Penginderaan Jauh
  3. Program Studi Pembangunan Wilayah
Semua program studi di Fakultas Geografi UGM sudah terakreditasi dengan nilai A. Dengan demikian tidak diragukan lagi bahwa kualitas pendidikan Geografi di UGM memiliki kualitas yang baik. Banyak siswa SMA yang ingin melanjutkan studi mereka bingung dengan Studi Geografi UGM yang berada di jalur IPA. Ini mungkin berbeda dengan kurikulum yang ada di SMP dan SMA yang memasukkan geografi pada ilmu sosial. Kurukulum tersebut tidak juga salah karena geografi mencakup ilmu sosial dan ilmu eksak. Oleh karena itu geografi sangat fleksibel dalam mempelajari obyeknya yaitu fenomena Geosfer. Di dalam Obyek studi geografi terdapat berbagai aspek, manusia, tanah, air, iklim, dll. Semua obyek tersebut dalam geografi dipelajari dengan menggunakan tiga pendekatan, yaitu:
  1. Pendekatan Spasial (Spatial Approach)
  2. Pendekatan Ekologi (Ecological Approach)
  3. Pendekatan Kompleks Wilayah (Regional Complex Approach)
Dengan tiga pendekatan tersebut berbagai permasalahan dari permasalahan sosial, fisik wilayah, dan kompleks wilayah dapat dipecahkan. Sebagai seorang geograf sangat memungkinkan untuk menjadi berbagai profesi seperti peneliti, ahli penginderaan jauh (remote sensing), kartografer,  Ahli Sistem Informasi Geografi (SIG), ahli lingkungan, ahli kependudukan, ahli perencanaan, ahli ketenagakerjaan, atau bahkan enterpreneur, dll, karena dalam fakultas ini semua profesi ini sangat mungkin untuk diraih. 
Sebagai seorang yang ingin melanjutkan studi memang kadang pemikiran kita berorientasi pada pekerjaan yang mungkin diraih esok ketika lulus. Dengan bermodalkan ilmu dan keahlian yang disebutkan di atas dalam pekerjaan juga sangat fleksibel bagi seorang geograf. Banyak lowongan pekerjaan yang tersedia, tinggal memilih bekerja di swasta atau menjadi pegawai negeri (PNS). 
Menurut Abdurrofi seorang dosen dari bidang Geografi Penduduk, cara jitu untuk meraih sukses dalam dunia kerja adalah persiapkan karirmu mulai dari sekarang. Ini memiliki artian bahwa kita harus bersungguh-sungguh dalam belajar dan mempersiapkan ilmu dan pengalaman sesuai dengan bidang kita masing-masing karena itu akan sangat berarti dalam dunia kerja, dunia kerja. Ini menunjukkan kesungguhan dan profesionalisme kita dalam bidang yang kita tekuni. (Arruzzi, 14/04/10)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Geography Books

Editorial Reviews
Product Description
Don’t know much about geography?

This updated edition will bring readers up-to-date on new country names, capital cities, flags, ruling governments, changes to production and economics, and more. It also examines the basis for recent geographical, environmental, and political events shaping geography.

—Presents up-to-date statistics related to country size, population, and geopolitical makeup
—Emphasizes human geography for students needing assistance with the Advanced Placement Human Geography exam
About the Author
Thomas E. Sherer, Jr., is a professional cartographer who creates atlases, lesson plans, and teachers’ manuals. He has been recognized as Outstanding Educator by the National Assessment of Educational Progress, and has appeared on ABC’s The View as the show’s geography specialist.

Thom Werthman, a high school teacher of AP Human Geography and AP Psychology is also an adjunct college instructor in Comparative Religion, English Literature, and Humanities.

Joseph Gonzalez has more than 25 years of experience as a writer and editor of illustrated general reference books.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Penelitian Mengenai Logat (Dialek) Jawa Pada Anak Kost

by: Rajib Khafif Arruzzi 


Dalam tahun ajaran baru banyak pelajar yang berpindah ke sekolah yang mereka inginkan. Begitu pula pada tahun ajaran di Perguruan Tinggi, pada jejang ini aspek kebudayaan lebih bervariasi. Dalam hal ini banyak terdapat manfaat yang bisa diambil untuk dijadikan pelajaran yang berharga. Tiap-tiap kebudayaan memiliki keunikan yang membedakan dengan kebudayaan yang lain. Banyak sekali perbedaan dari tiap-tiap kebudayaan misalnya: logat atau dialek dan bahasa yang mereka gunakan. Walaupun mereka menggunakan bahasa yang sama yaitu bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa persatuan namun dialek antar daerah dari tiap-tiap daerah tidak sama.
Yogyakarta sebagai kota pelajar setiap tahun di jadikan sebagai tujuan sebagian besar pelajar untuk menuntut ilmu. Tiap tahun fenomena seperti ini sudah tidak asing lagi di kota Yogyakarta. Kehidupan sosial di kota ini juga sangat kompleks mulai dari kegiatan yang besifat agama hingga yang bernuansa dunia malam ada di kota ini.
Dalam tulisan ini penulis mengangkat tentang bahasa jawa. Bahasa jawa digunakan oeh sebagian penduduk di pulau jawa khususnya masyarakat suku jawa. Bahasa Jawa umumnya terbagi menjadi dua yaitu logat Jawa Ngapak dan logat mbandek. Logat Ngapak digunakan oleh masyarakat di daerah Jawa Tengah sebelah barat dan selatan seperti Tegal, Banyumas, Kebumen, dll. Logat Mbandek digunakan oleh masyarakat di Jawa Timur, Yogyakarta, Solo, Semarang,dll. Selain mengangkat mengenai logat yang ada dalam bahasa jawa, penulis dalam tulisan ini juga akan mengkhususkan pada pelajar atau mahasiswa yang belajar dari daerah yang menggunakan logat Banyumasan ke daerah dengan logat mbandek.


Salwan Suheri (1), Roni Wijaya (1), Rajib Khafif Arruzzi (2)
1)Program Studi Geofisika, Fakultas MIPA UGM Yogyakarta
2)Jurusan Geografi Lingkungan Fakultas Geografi UGM Yogyakarta


Metode HVSR (Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio) digunakan dalam studi mikrotremor di Kecamatan Pleret, Bantul. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memetakan distribusi frekuensi resonansi dan amplifikasinya kemudian dibandingkan dengan tingkat kerusakan akibat gempa Jogjakarta 27 Mei 2006. Berdasarkan frekuensi yang diperoleh kemudian dihitung kedalaman lapisan lapuk. Akusisi data dilakukan dengan sensor velocitymeter L4-3D single station dan data logger DATAMARK LS-7000. Pengukuran mikrotremor dilakukan dalam bentuk grid dengan spasi + 500m yang mencakup seluruh kecamatan Pleret dengan durasi pengukuran tiap titik kurang lebih 5 menit.. 

Studi Mikrotremor Untuk Pemetaan Distribusi Frekuensi Fundamental Tanah Dan Korelasinya Dengan Tingkat Kerusakan Akibat Gempa Di Bantul

Latar Belakang
Gempa Yogya-Jateng pada tanggal 27 Mei 2006 lalu yang menimbulkan kerusakan cukup parah menandakan bahwa daerah Yogya-Jateng, terutama Bantul dan Klaten merupakan daerah yang rawan gempa atau daerah beresiko tinggi. Banyak hal yang dapat menyebabkan suatu daerah dikatakan rawan gempa, diantaranya adalah jarak dengan sumber gempa dan medium yang dilalui oleh gelombang gempa tersebut.
Efek primer gempabumi adalah kerusakan struktur bangunan baik yang berupa bangunan perumahan rakyat, gedung bertingkat, fasilitas umum, monumen, jembatan dan infrastruktur lainnya, yang diakibatkan oleh getaran yang ditimbulkannya. Secara garis besar, tingkat kerusakan yang mungkin terjadi tergantung dari kekuatan dan kualitas bangunan, kondisi geologi dan geotektonik lokasi bangunan, dan percepatan getaran tanah di lokasi bangunan akibat dari getaran suatu gempa bumi.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Geografi Penduduk

Geografi penduduk berasal dari dua suku kata yaitu geografi dan penduduk. Ini merupakan ilmu hasil penggabungan dari dua ilmu dasar yaitu ilmu geografi dan ilmu kependudukan. Geografi sendiri berasal dari kata “geo” yang berarti bumi dan “graphein” yang berarti catatan, sedangkan penduduk berarti sekumpulan manusia.Sehingga diterjemahkan secara bebas bahwa geografi penduduk adalah suatu ilmu yang mempelajari penduduk disuatu wilayah. Geografi merupakan ilmu yang dasar yang terus berkembang seiring berubahnya zaman, pada awalnya memiliki sifat kualitatif sedangkan pada perkembangannya kemudian juga menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Hal ini juga memiliki pengaruh pada geografi penduduk dimana pada periode sekarang banyak dipengaruhi oleh metode yang bersifat kuantitatif seperti yang sering digunakan adalah statistik. Sebenarnya geografi penduduk juga memiliki kaitan yang erat dengan ilmu demografi dimana lingkup demografi tidak lebih luas jika dibandingkan dengan geografi penduduk.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Prof. Dr. Sudarmadji., M.Eng.Sc

Professor of Hydrology Faculty of Geography Gadjah Mada University

Subject to Amnestied

Academic Carier:
  • Sarjana : Fakultas Geografi UGM Yogyakarta 29 September 1975
  • Skripsi : Analisa Unit Kualitas Airtanah di Daerah Aliran Kali Serayu.
  • Sarjana Utama/Master : School of Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering, University of New South Wales 9 Oktober 1980
  • Thesis : Relationship between Rainfall and Runoff for Some Catchments in New South Wales Using Long Record
  • Doktor/Ph.D. : Universitas Gadjah Mada, 23 Mei 1991
  • Disertasi : Agihan Geografi Sifat Kimiawi Airtanah Bebas di Daerah Kotamadya Yogyakarta

Indonesian geographers

Some geographers in the Faculty of Geography Gadjah Mada University Indonesia:
   1. Prof. Dr. H. Sudarmadji, M., Eng., Sc.
   2. Prof. Dr. H. Hadi Sabari Yunus, M.A., DRS.
   3. Prof. Dr. H. Totok Gunawan, M.S.
   4. Prof. Dr. H. Suratman, M.Sc.
   5. Drs. Darmakusuma D.,Dip.,H.,M.S.
   6. Drs. H. Suyono, M.S.
   7. Dr. Su Rito Handoyo, M.A.
   8. Dr. Sunarto, M.S.
   9. Drs. Widiyanto, M.S.
  10. Drs. H. Jamulya, M.S.
  11. Drs. Tukiran, M.A.
  12. Drs. H. Suprapto Dibyosaputro, M.Sc.
  13. Prof. Dr. H.A. Sudibyakto, M.S.
  14. Drs. Tukidal Yunianto, M.Sc.
  15. Dra. Hj. Sunarpi Rilanto, M.S.
  16. Drs. H. Sukwardjono, M.Si.
  17. Drs. H. Sujali, M.S.
  18. Dr. H. Prapto Suharsono, M.Sc.
  19. Drs. Maruli Sinaga, M.S.
  20. Drs. H. Sukamdi, M.Sc.
  21. Prof. Dr. H. Hartono, DEA., DESS.

Beasiswa Undergraduate Student 2010 Scholarship in Thailand

Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin (RMUTR) offers a tuition undergraduate scholarship in Thailand. The Office of the Higher Education (OHEC), Ministry of Education, Thailand would like to inform you that Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin (RMUTR) is now launching a scholarship program to promote and foster cooperation and understanding among ASEAN countries.
In this regard, OHEC is pleased to forward you a copy of the Annoucement of the Year 2010 RMUTR Scholarship Program for Undergraduate Students in ASEAN Countries and the Application Form for your dissemination to students and concerned bodies. Those who wish to apply for the scholarships are requested to contact RMUTR directly by 30 April 2010. The names of the successful candidates will be announced by RMUTR by 15 May 2010.

Terms and conditions of the scholarships are as follows:
  1. The RMUTR Scholarship Program is open to all ASEAN candidates.
  2. The scholarships do not carry a bond.
  3. The scholarships cover only tuitions fees, without including any other costs, nor guaranteeing employment or residence in Thailand to the scholars upon their graduation.
  4. The scholarships covers the entire duration of the undergraduate program (4-5 years) provided that every year the scholar demonstrates satisfactory progress as determined by RMUTR.
  5. Applicant Qualifications:


By Rajib Khafif Arruzzi

The current water crisis more pronounced in the various places one of them is the scarcity of water on the island of Java. Drought occurs in many places while in other places rains that caused flooding. Another problem that is abundant water in the rainy season and dry season  on water scarcity. This imbalance makes people think that water can be used uniformly by all districts. Results can be seen from such consideration is an increasingly dam project mushroomed. Dam project, helping to distribute water to avoid the instability that caused flooding and drought. Stored water during the rainy season so that water distribution is not too abundant. Dammed water in dry season flows to meet the needs of the community. Utilization of water for households in distributed by PDAM and for agricultural irrigation.

Locations of water resources depends heavily on the existing vegetation. A lot of lush vegetation and cause water to be retained. Groundwater that is stuck in a state of saturated and will flow out at a place and form resevoir and springs. Forest as an embodiment of the vegetation is increasingly rare to find in the island of Java. And then decimating the population of forest and agricultural land and establishing settlements on it. Water use was agreed jointly by several countries by the Hague agreement of 2000.

The water quality will affect all facets of life that use water. Suppose the health of the body if we consume water that is not healthy then we will definitely hurt your body. Agricultural use of polluted water irrigation will make the plants are not fertile.

Health geography

Health geography is the application of geographical information, perspectives, and methods to the study of health, disease, and health care. Initially referred to as medical geography it was based on the biomedical model of health and grounded in the logical positivism philosophy. The social or socio-ecological model, adopts a more holistic approach to disease and illness. It emphasises treatment of the whole person and not just components of the system. Under this model, new illnesses (for eg. mental ill health) are recognised, and other types of medicine (for eg. complementary or alternative medicine) are combined with traditional medicine. This alternative methodological approach meant medical geography was broadened to incorporate philosophies such as structuration, structuralism, social interactionism, feminism, et cetera. Thus the field of health geography was born.

Areas of study
Health geography can provide a spatial understanding of a population's health, the distribution of disease in an area, and the environment's effect on health and disease. deals also with accessibility to health care and spatial distribution of health care providers. The study is considered a subdiscipline of human geography, however, it requires an understanding of other fields such as epidemiology, climatology.

Geography of Health Care Provision
Although health care is a public good, it is not 'pure'. In other words, it is not equally available to all individuals. The geography of health care provision has much to do with this. Demand for public services is continuously distributed across space, broadly in accordance with the distribution of population, but these services are only provided at discrete locations. Inevitably therefore, there will be inequalities of access in terms of the practicality of using services, transport costs, travel times and so on. Geographical or 'locational' factors (e.g. physical proximity, travel time) are not the only aspects which influence access to health care. Other types (or dimensions) of accessibility to health care except for geographical (or spatial) are social, financial and functional. Social accessibility to health care depends on race (like separate hospitals for white and black people), age, sex and other social characteristics of individuals, important here is also relationship between patient and the doctor. Financial depends upon the price of a particular health care and functional reflects the amount and structure of provided services. This can vary among different countries or regions of the world. Access to health care is influenced also by factors such as opening times and waiting lists that play an important part in determining whether individuals or population sub-groups can access health care – this type of accessibility is termed 'effective accessibility'.

Raffles Vs Deandles

In Singapore we will find many places that perpetuate the name of Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles. There is a field, road, bulevard, recreation places and hotels that perpetuate the name of the city founders 'lion' is. There is also a statue of Raffles, when he first set foot in Temasek (1819), a marshy fishing village which has become Singapore.

It shows that the government and people appreciate the services of the island countries of the British rulers. In fact, the ideal beginning when he built a rival airport in Singapore is to Batavia, where he reigned for five years (1811-1816).

The opposite of Raffles, Daendels Marshal Herman Willem (1805-1808) almost nothing was known of Indonesian society. In fact, iron-armed marshals who was appointed governor-general by Louis Bonaparte, brother of Emperor Napoleon's time in power in the Netherlands was, until today we still find legacy. Daendels nicknamed 'Napoleon Betawi' because the willingness of France. It was he who moved downtown from the Fish Market to the Weltevreden (Gambir and Banteng Square). Batavia causing widespread toward the south.

Daendels who built along the 1000 km road from Anyer in Banten to Panarukan, a monumental work in mind at the time when there has been no heavy equipment. And, he ruthlessly ordered to the sultan and regent to mobilize thousands of slave labor (forced labor) to build Postweg Groote (Post Road). Faksa history shows that due to the construction of roads that now can we enjoy it, thousands of workers die and the bodies do not terkuburkan sprawl. Famine-stricken villagers were no longer able to get up, let alone taking care of his brothers who died that the religion is required to be glorified. According to data of about 12 thousand people dead.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Joint score Index (JSI)

To calculate the age and sex ratio (sex ratio) of a distribution of population by sex and five-year age group. Also calculated the score of the sex ratio, age ratio score, score a combined age and sex according to the UN definition. How to get the Joint Score Index (JSI) is by using the formula:

JSI : Joint Score Index
IRS : Skor Rasio Jenis Kelamin
IRUL : Skor rasio umur laki-laki
IRUP : Skor rasio umur perempuan

How To read the Index:
"JS > 20" :reporting acceptable age
"20<=JS<=40" :inaccurate age reporting "JS> 40" :show the existence of large errors in age reporting

Source: Listyaningsih, Umi. 2008. Petunjuk Praktikum Perencanaan Kependudukan. Yogyakarta. Laboratorium Kependudukan dan Ketenagakerjaan Fakultas Geografi UGM

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Study Geography in Indonesia

Indonesia (Country Guide)
In Indonesia has not much to hold a special study program to learn about geography. But institutions that made geography teachers are conducting a lot (formerly the Teachers' Training College university (IKIP) certainly has a study program of geography). Institution that has a geographic studies programs in Indonesia, among others: University of Gadjah Mada University (Yogyakarta), Universitas Indonesia (Jakarta) and Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta (Surakarta). While there is a course in Geography Education at 45 universities.
GMU, Geography has evolved further to become a separate faculty since 1963, the Faculty of Geography. Now has a high education level of the D3 (diploma) Remote Sensing and GIS, S1, S2 and S3. Geography Faculty of UGM also studied areas of Planning and Development.
At UI, the department of Geography Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MIPA). Geography studied as part of applied sciences in parallel with pure Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
UMS Faculty of Geography was founded by a number of alumni and lecturer at the Faculty of Geography Gadjah Mada University. The Geography of Higher Education Alumni later formed a professional association called the Association of Indonesian Geografiwan (IGI). In addition, in place of a more narrow, the Geografiwan from UGM also has container Geografiwan Institute of Gadjah Mada University (abbreviated IGEGAMA).

Friday, April 2, 2010

Economic Geography Thesis


Rajib Khafif Arruzzi

This study aims to (1) know the characteristics of workers in the education unit in Java Province in 2004, 2006, 2008. (2) know the characteristics of wage / salary / income and working hours by workers in Java sector in 2004, 2006, 2008. (3) knowing the characteristic pattern of changes in wage / salary / income and working hours by sector in Java in 2004, 2006, 2008.
The method used was secondary data analysis with data sources SAKERNAS in 2004, 2006, 2008. Analysis of data on wages and working hours performed by workers using descriptive analysis. To support the discussion of the trend analysis conducted analysis per sector group activities. Discussion of research results are grouped into three points of view: the ratio of workers by sex, region and total them. Data that describes the distribution and pattern of the ratio of wages and working hours of workers in Java sector from 2004, 2006, and 2008 is presented using thematic maps. The author uses complementary methods, the study of literature from various sources.

Geographic maps

World Executive Wall Map Laminated
Cartography, or map-making is the study, and often practice of crafting representations of the Earth upon a flat surface (see History of cartography), and one who makes maps is called a cartographer.

Road maps are perhaps the most widely used maps today, and form a subset of navigational maps, which also include aeronautical and nautical charts, railroad network maps, and hiking and bicycling maps. In terms of quantity, the largest number of drawn map sheets is probably made up by local surveys, carried out by municipalities, utilities, tax assessors, emergency services providers, and other local agencies. Many national surveying projects have been carried out by the military, such as the British Ordnance Survey (now a civilian government agency internationally renowned for its comprehensively detailed work).

In addition to location information maps may also be used to portray contour lines (isolines) indicating constant values of elevation, topography, temperature, rainfall etc.


Web Mapping Illustrated

With the help of the Internet and accompanying tools, creating and publishing online maps has become easier and rich with options. A city guide web site can use maps to show the location of restaurants, museums, and art venues. A business can post a map for reaching its offices. The state government can present a map showing average income by area.

Developers who want to publish maps on the web often discover that commercial tools cost too much and hunting down the free tools scattered across Internet can use up too much of your time and resources. Web Mapping Illustrated shows you how to create maps, even interactive maps, with free tools, including MapServer, OpenEV, GDAL/OGR, and PostGIS. It also explains how to find, collect, understand, use, and share mapping data, both over the traditional Web and using OGC-standard services like WFS and WMS.

Geographic Definitions

Geography (from Greek γεωγραφία - geographia, lit. "earth describe-write") is the study of the Earth and its lands, features, inhabitants, and phenomena. A literal translation would be "to describe or write about the Earth". The first person to use the word "geography" was Eratosthenes (276-194 B.C.). Four historical traditions in geographical research are the spatial analysis of natural and human phenomena (geography as a study of distribution), area studies (places and regions), study of man-land relationship, and research in earth sciences.Nonetheless, modern geography is an all-encompassing discipline that foremost seeks to understand the Earth and all of its human and natural complexities—not merely where objects are, but how they have changed and come to be. As "the bridge between the human and physical sciences," geography is divided into two main branches—human geography and physical geography.
